Ritual Tin - Equinox

Ritual Tin - Equinox
As Spring unfurls, we shed winter & expand towards the light. Come Fall, we’re softening back into our roots.
With our pocket-size Ritual Tin, you carry the magic of the season with you.
Each tin comes in a black, cotton bag and contains:
One-of-a-Kind, Mini Healing Stone
Particle Goods Charcoal Incense or Fragrance Oil*
Season Specific Sachet (i.e. flower seeds, herbs, charcoal)*
Branded Matchbox
Hand-Dyed Altar Cloth
Labyrinth Ritual Card
Good Juju
*Contents vary slightly depending on season.
Burn Instructions for Incense
Place cone on a heat resistant, non combustible dish. Add salt or sand to the dish and place cone on top. This will protect the dish and increase airflow. Light the tip of the cone and wait 10-15 full seconds before blowing out. Tip of cone should glow red and smoke. If cone does not stay lit, re-light and start again. Cone will smoke for up to 20 minutes and then self extinguish.
Do not handle incense cone once lit. Surface or container may become hot - allow surface to cool before handling. Wait for ash to completely cool before discarding.